
M.Sc. Digital Marketing & Communication

Mission: Media. Strategy. Concept. Communication.

CEO, founder, head of communications, specialist for press and public relations, social media expert, marketing specialist, digital transformer, project manager, conceptioner, TV editor, copywriter. Or simply: visual-communicative man of action.

More than 25 years of experience in everything to do with modern communication, marketing and project management. Boredom arises very rarely – in fact, quite the opposite.

In addition to my freelance work as an expert and consultant, I now work full-time as head of communications and strategy in Berlin.

I was born in 1973, studied Politics / Psychology / Sociology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, completed a journalistic traineeship at a private television station and completed my Master's degree (M.Sc.) Digital Marketing / Communication and E-Commerce at the Burgenland University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt, Austria, in 2019 with excellent results. Master thesis: "Political Influencer Marketing during the European Election Campaign 2019".

I am a bitcoiner, I love fast cars, iced vodka, urban life, modern architecture, football, ice hockey and creative design.
Foto Klaus Rohrhuber


The most important professional stations - in a nutshell.



Modern dialogue - with rough edges.

Words and more
Foto Klaus Rohrhuber


There is a good concept behind every great success.

Project samples
Foto Klaus Rohrhuber


References from A to Z.


Self-image of communication und project management.

These three pillars describe the essential self-image of my professional mission in the fields of communication and project management:
The evolution of knowledge.

Communication is changing. New trends and buzzwords are constantly emerging. What is "in" today is already "out" tomorrow. Nokia, once a globally successful brand, is now only an insignificant peripheral phenomenon. This is one reason why I am on the trail of technological innovations and develop concepts and product ideas. However, communication is much more than that: in an increasingly fast-moving age, a reorientation is needed 24/7 to influence, control or even stop social changes. Political communication is therefore my passion on the one hand, but also a daily annoyance - to put it in nice words.

The spirit of time.

Starting with the classic newspaper article, DVD/CD-ROM, internet pages, TV formats up to the age of Web 2.0, social networks and smartphones; there is probably no medium or (technical) platform that I haven't "plowed" in detail. My focus is on consulting agencies and companies that operate digital business models.
And yes, I am politically active in the almost endless fight against extremism, censorship, opinion dictatorship and all the increasing injustices in an ever more colorful world. The freedom of communication and our liberal society must be defended - because not only our thoughts are free!

The early bird.

With my first company I designed and produced magazine DVDs for publishing houses from 2001 to 2007. These DVDs were used by several 100.000 people every month - admittedly peanuts compared to today's online user numbers. I was there when the first publishers in Germany developed DVD supplements for their print magazines in 1999. I supported to develop the concept and idea of the first corporate television on private TV - in the mid 90s. I was also one of the first Germans to own their private email address - long before Gmail, GMX and Co. came up. If you recognize trends in time, you are the first to go through the finish line.

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